Be a Spiritual Ninja!

Aug 03, 2023

I travel a fair amount for my job. Most of the time I enjoy hopping on a plane, the change-up in my schedule, meeting new people, and exploring the country.

Unfortunately, I had a very turbulent set of flights trying to get home on an early winter morning. The wind was blowing and planes were having a hard time taking off and landing at the Chicago O’hare airport. 

I had the pleasure of circling around the airport for over an hour with the plane unable to land due to the weather and safety protocols. I started to freak out a little bit because the air was rough and I really wanted to get home safely. 

I know that when I am a little scared or feeling anxious, there is help right around the corner. I closed my eyes, did a grounding meditation, and called on God, the Universe, my guardian Angels, and my team in spirit to surround me and protect everyone on the plane. 

I immediately felt these little tingles all over my body, a lot like little angel wings spreading glittery goodness all over me. I felt a very strong calming force and knew that everything was going to be ok. I tapped into my team in spirit and asked for their help. I released the fear that was holding me back and leaned into their assistance.   

We landed safely in O’Hare and I was able to make my next connection to get out of the bad weather and get back to Nebraska safe and sound. At the connecting gate, I ran into my dear friend. On her last flight, she had to do some deep breathing to ensure all of her insides stayed firmly on the inside of her body! 

Oddly enough, we were on the same flight leaving Lincoln on a Tuesday and on the same flight coming back from work trips on a Thursday. It was great to catch up with her. As we were getting ready to take off for our next plane, we traded text messages about the crazy flight turbulence.

My friend is also on a spiritual journey to learn everything she can, grow, and evolve into the person she is meant to be. So I told her all about the surrounding of Angels and the feeling of calm that came over me. She immediately texted me and said “spiritual ninja”, so I have to give credit to her for helping me come up with this blog post topic today! 

You see, we all have the ability to tap into help on the other side. They are just a thought, prayer, or feeling away and they are here to help us! If you encounter something stressful, something that triggers fear, or something that makes you really anxious this week, I encourage you to be a “Spiritual Ninja” and tap into your superpower guides on the other side. 

For me, I take a deep breath, calm my racing mind, and call on them for help. Then I patiently wait to feel their presence emotionally and sometimes physically in my body as I described above. I didn't always have this strong of a connection, it took time, consistency in my spiritual practice, and the ability to have faith and trust in the connection. 

I would love to hear about any stories like this that have happened to you. Please write a comment or send a message my way!   

Love and light my friends,


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