
Nov 03, 2023

My daughter has been in eye therapy for the last 10 months, and last week she finally graduated. She worked very hard to learn how to have her eyes work together. She had to do daily exercises and weekly therapy, and at the end of it all she was really proud of herself. After she completed her last therapy session, she turned and looked at me and said “mom we have to celebrate, this is such a big deal“. She was right! It was time to celebrate good times, come on! 

I had recently finished my Karmic Leader Program with eight brave leaders who chose to be the very first participants. After the last live training session I spent a little time in reflection, but initially went right into fixing and planning for the next launch. It was my sweet 9 year old daughter that reminded me of the importance of celebration! 

We don’t have to go all out and book a seven day trip or go spend an elaborate amount of money at a spa, but we do need to take a moment or two to celebrate things that make us feel proud. There’s magic in the celebration. There’s magic in the way you feel when you recognize your own accomplishments, big or small. 

I have provided 10 ways that you can celebrate when you accomplish something awesome. I hope these 10 ideas inspire you to celebrate, to pause, to reflect and to be proud of yourself today.

  1. Treat Yourself to Your Favorite Snack: Indulge in that special treat you love but don't have every day, whether it's chocolate, ice cream, or a fancy coffee.
  2. Go to Your Favorite Outdoor Spot: Go for a peaceful walk in a nearby park, breathe in the fresh air or walk among the leaves.
  3. Enjoy a Bubble Bath: A relaxing bubble bath can be a simple yet luxurious way to unwind and pamper yourself. It happens to be one of my favorite ways to detox, calm my nervous system and feel like a million bucks. 
  4. Read a Good Book: Dive into a book you've been wanting to read, and get lost in a different world for a while. I took a vacation with my family for fall break and managed to crack open 4 books!! I felt like a whole new woman after that! 
  5. Listen to Music: Create a mini dance party in your living room or simply listen to your favorite songs with a good set of headphones. I have a Girl Power playlist that does the trick for me. Make a special playlist that is just for you. Mine is full of P!nk, Indigo Girls, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Rachel Platten, Andra Day, Alicia Keys, Elle King and Miley Cyrus… but you do you boo! 
  6. Write in Your Journal: Reflect on your achievement, jot down your feelings, and set new intentions for the future.
  7. Watch a Feel-Good Movie: Pick a movie that never fails to make you smile or laugh, and enjoy some quality cinematic time. I popped some popcorn and Zara and I rewatched the new Top Gun.
  8. Sip on a Fancy Beverage: Make a delightful cocktail, mocktail, or even a soothing herbal tea and savor every sip. Or maybe go get yourself a fancy drink and give yourself a cheers! 
  9. Meditate and Relax: Spend a few moments meditating to clear your mind and appreciate the present moment. Thank yourself for sticking with it and let that proud feeling soak into you!
  10. Capture the Moment: Take a photo or a short video to commemorate your achievement, so you can look back on it with a smile. Take that selfie. Bask in the smile. 

These small celebrations can help you recognize your progress and infuse a little joy into your day, even for the little victories.

Love and Light my friends,


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